Thursday, August 12, 2010

Its a Girl!

Do you have a girlfriend that you love everything about her including her taste in style? Well I do! I met Mrs Chelsey a couple of years ago and have tried to get her to order from me since I started Etsy and she never would...until now.

When she came to me a couple of weeks ago for help with a baby shower I was so excited! Her only requirements were to use pink and a zebra print.

She had me punch out several 1.5" circles and she sewed them together to make the lines of circles you see hanging. When I say several I mean we sat and punched for a couple of hours until I couldn't stand it any more.

I thought everything turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing the pictures Chels!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks!! We've been on vacation so I just now saw your post! I love everything about your style too. :-D You did a GREAT job on my stuff!!
