Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Parkville Day

While on our way to set up Friday afternoon at the Parkville Days Festival the tornado sirens started going off. The rain was so intense I had to stop in the middle of the highway because I couldn't see anything. Little did I know I was stopped next to a row of trees that would come tumbling down. Luckily not on my car but I did run right smack into them. Needless to say I tried to stay calm. My mood was instantly changed to foul and I was ready to be done with the rain. We still had a couple of hours before the show opened so my fingers were crossed.

The rain was short and sweet but left an inch in 30 minutes. I arrived at the park to find my booth on the grass. Note, grass and an inch of rain don't go well together! I was assured by my sweet boyfriend, Shawn, it would be fine. More on that later. So we begin to set up and as I am making the final adjustments a fireman comes by with a mega phone and is yelling a severe thunderstorm warning has been issued and will be to the city within the hour. Luckily I freaked and threw everything as fast as I could into the tubs. I had a feeling we didn't have an hour. Less than 20 minutes later I am running to the car and praying my phone wasn't getting wet.

So Friday was a wash. I finally left the park at dark. I stayed just watching the rain. Hoping it would quit and dry before the morning.

Saturday morning we arrive extra early because I didn't know what to expect. My prayers were answered and all my product stayed dry. The ground was wet so we placed a tarp down in our booth. Unlike Shawn I didn't think it was going to be ok but he insisted I try it. It worked for about an hour when on goers began to sink into mud over their ankles as they walked into our booth. Not only were we in a bad location but now we had mud causing people to stand outside and look in. It was a long morning. Finally at 3:00 I decided enough was enough. I went to complain and was moved to the main walk way. PERFECT! Within 30 minutes I had tripled our sales. I was sweating like a pig (I promise that I don't' normally sweat like that)but loving every minute of it.

All in all it work out fine. Of course I wish the rain and mud wouldn't have been an issue but it was worth the troubles. I have had an overwhelming response to the product I featured at the show. I also met several GREAT people! I think it's good for me to be tested like that but lord I felt sorry for Shawn when it was all over with. :)

Thank you to everyone that came to see us! Come see us in Liberty at the end of Sept. We are hoping for a cooler weekend and NO RAIN!

You can watch our wood products website for new products being posted this week.


  1. omg! are those frames? i think i NEED one for tylee's room. so cute!

  2. Yep. I think we are going to do a show in Burlington in Nov you should come. You can order them online at If you want special paper I can do that too. The opening size is 3.5 x 3.5. They are way cute!
