Thursday, October 14, 2010

Maple Leaf Festival - Baldwin City, KS

Saturday marks the start of Fall in my house, and the most fun weekend of the fall season for me! It's Maple Leaf Festival time. What is the Maple Leaf you ask? It's 400 booths of homemade products. No commerical product allowed at this show. You will see everything and anything you might ever want!

The last four years (since I moved to Kansas City) I have patiently waited for this weekend. Not only is the weather been nice every year but the atmosphere is awesome! This year is a little different because I am not just attending the show but I am selling my product there for the first time. This is a sold out show each year and getting accepted in no easy task. I waited almost 6 months to get my acceptance letter.

Can you tell I'm excited? I'm so excited my stomach is turning and I have the feeling of "oh crap what did I get myself into". 400 vendors and I am one of them. I am so excited and nervous!

So I'm off to load the truck and all the last minute goodies I made! Wish me luck and come visit! Until next week ~ Alicia

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