Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekend in review

The last couple of weeks I booked myself solid. I admit it. This stress is caused by nobody by myself but I LOVE IT! I do need to slow down a little bit though.

As you know by now we have started selling our wood products at local craft fairs. This year long experience has taught me a lot. One of the most frustrating lessons is you do not know what kind of sales you are going to have at a sale, because they are all so different. The weekend before last we did a show close to the house and had the lowest sales yet. The week before that we did a show that was great until it rained 99% of the day Saturday. Then this last weekend we had the best show we have ever had. So as the outdoor shows come to an end I'm filling out our show schedule for 2011. So let the learning start all over again.

Quick Maple Leaf recap. The show started Sat and was none stop sales until 5:30. I was sold out of a couple of items and very low on others. So I drive an hour North to power craft. At 1Am I finally decide to call it a night. With 3 bags of product made and ready to go I head to the show Sunday. Sunday's are normally a slow day at any show you do. Not this one. We had another great day. I finally remembered to take pictures of the booth Sunday morning. There are not normally empty spaces. So when you look at these notice all the empty spaces. So exciting.

I was so thankful Brooke (Shawn's daughter) came to help. She really is a great sales person. We have a system that works well. With two lines of customers going at all times I wouldn't have been able to do it without her.

This week marks a new beginning for me. I am starting to sell product in a couple of local boutiques. I'll be making lots of products to sale. I'll post more about the shops when I actually get the product completed and in their hands.

Although I love the weekend this one is going to come way to quickly. I am traveling home to attend a good friends wedding. I'm so excited to see my girls and spend a couple days hanging out.

We are booked into the middle of December for party decorations. If you are thinking about ordering from us keep this in mind. I do have some room for last minute planners but not a lot.

I'm off to start another busy day. Hope your having a great week!

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