Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Children and Crafts

As we wrapped up our last craft class of the year we found ourselves surrounded by a favorite group of grown up girls and one almost grown up girl.

Little miss Aliyah. Aliyah is a 3 year with a serious attitude. She has brought may laughs to all of us. She makes my heart melt when she calls me "wesha" in her attempt to say my name. That was always my dads nick name for me, even as an adult.

I didn't plan on Aliyah crafting with us but I soon realized she wanted to be involved. We painted and papered a Christmas tree ornament. Each time she painted a new side of the block she would start yelling "look at me, look at me!".

She was so proud of herself. She promptly walked to "her" tree and placed it front and center.

There is nothing I love more than bringing out the creative side of a young child. Can't hardly stand waiting to have a little one of my own to craft with. :)

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