Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentine Baking in a BLIZZARD!

Greetings from snowy Kansas City! With a historic blizzard forecasted for the day I decided to take a snow day.

Plan A , hang out with the hubby all day. Turns out he was sick in bed. :( Plan B, bake valentine goodies all day today. When I say all day, I mean ALL DAY! The hubby, when he finally got out of bed, came into the kitchen and just about died at the mess I made.

I'm always ohhing and ahhing over all the baked goodies I see. However there is a problem with that. I HATE to cook/bake! I don't have the patience.

Lately, we have been spending every weekend at the in-laws. They rarely eat anything that is not microwavable. Because we eat a little bit healthier than that, we take a meal to last all of us all weekend. That has gotten me motivated. Papa, as we call him, is so easy to please. Just one of the many reasons I can't wait to be closer to them.

Each year the kids and I decorate valentine cookies. This year I thought I would add to the cookies and make little baskets to give to grandma's. I really did spend all day baking and I haven't even baked the cookies yet. But it was OH SO FUN! I can't wait to show you the final product (which won't be for a few days) but in the mean time here is a sneak peek of my inspiration for the day. I think I might just make myself a cute little basket. HAHA

Picture taken from www.ourbestbites.com. I'm addicted to their website!

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