Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ramblings of our weekend

I have had such a hard time keeping up with the demands of everything in my life lately. This week was the worst. On more than one occasion I just started crying which is not like me. 4 of 6 days I was up past midnight working to only get up again at 5:30 and start it all over. So I think the tears were coming from exhaustion because I'm not normally one to cry like that. Shawn was very helpful with cutting and painting product for me. That's the part I hate most and when I came home to find it done I was so happy! I was till overwhelmed though. LOL

So Saturday morning I had my last show and it could not have come sooner! Shawn was sweet enough to go with me. We decided earlier this summer that it's best if he doesn't come with me to shows. It's my "job" and we tend to get on each others nerves. However it plum wears me out to set up my booth! We were up until 12:30 Friday night and then again at 4:30 Saturday morning. We were pretty much packed and ready to go but I just don't move that fast that early in the morning. So as he is pushing me out the door I'm going through everything in my head and thought we had everything. We get to the show and I realize I brought 3-6' tables when my booth was 8x10. One thing I hate about indoor shows is everyone tends to be grumpy. I think it's because we are all so crammed into a room. Luckily the lady next to us had 3 spaces and she let me have a couple of extra feet! I could have hugged her! We get the layout set up and I start unloading everything. I get to my last display I realize I don't have any more tubs to unload. What the heck? Shawn had disappeared so I thought he went to get another tub out of the truck. WRONG. We left it at home. OMG we are 2 hours away and I left ALL of my blocks at home. I stayed calm but I was so bummed. Needless to say we had a great show. And I take back my thoughts on everyone being grumps because this time they wasn't one!

To top off our long day we stopped in to see his parents which is always fun. I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks so we stayed and played a little while. Of course they had a house full of grand kids but it was nice to hear the latest family gossip. Living an hour away we are the "favorite son and daughter in law" haha. We still wish we lived closer though.

This morning when I got out of bed I felt like a totally different person. Not only are the 15 rush orders I had this week in the mail but the only thing I really need to do today is organize my office. What relief! Monday will start another busy week but I have today to relax!

I truly love spending time with Shawn. It's so nice when he helps me at a show. Not only does it cut the set up and take down time in half but it's fun to have him there with me all day. We have so much fun people watching and dreaming up new ideas. He is just as creative as I am which is double the trouble. I am so blessed to have a great man as my other half!

Have a great Sunday!

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